Welcome toUCAM Spanish Institute Dubai
Accredited Cervantes Institute Centre
Unique in the whole GCC
Open since April 2014
Specialised in Spanish
Spread Spanish language and culturea
Part of UCAM Murcia University, Spain
JLT, Dubai
Children, Adults and Institutions
Embassies of Spanish-speaking countries, as well as other official bodies

The UCAM Spanish Language Institute is an Accredited Centre for the Teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language by the Instituto Cervantes. The Institute is the only educational institution with such recognition in the entire GCC. It is also the first Spanish language centre in the United Arab Emirates, which opened in April 2014. It is devoted to spreading the Spanish language and culture through the different courses offered.
In addition, the UCAM Spanish Institute is part of ESI, Escuela Superior de Idiomas, (Higher School of Languages) of the UCAM University (Catholic University of San Antonio) in Murcia, Spain. ESI has five school branches, three in Spain, one in the UK and another centre in Dubai. The main objective of UCAM in Dubai is to promote the teaching, study and use of Spanish in the Middle East, as well as to contribute to the dissemination of Hispanic cultures.
The methodology
All classes are taught in Spanish from the first level (A1.1). In order to facilitate communication, the teacher's speech is adapted to the student's level, and body language is used as one of the main supports.
The use of this methodology, where Spanish is presented through all the language skills, helps students become more familiar with the sounds of this new language. Nevertheless, English is used at specific times to clarify some concepts.
In every course, the teacher will provide the students the main skills needed to learn a language: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
Our teachers are experienced graduates and native Spanish speakers, who help students in their learning process, creating a climate of trust and offering continuous assistance.
Course offer
UCAM offers Spanish courses for adults as well as for children.
Institutional Relations
We enjoy an excellent relationship with the different Hispanic Embassies. We share materials, participate in joint events and occasionally collaborate with common goals.